You can use the Slide-Out and Exit Pop Up forms with your word press site.

The first step is to install the plugin that supports embedding the forms.  Please use the Header Footer Code Manager plugin.  this is the plugin we recommend for our forms.

Click here for details on how to install the Header Footer Code Manager

How to add your forms to your Wordpress Site  using the Header Footer Code Manager. 

Note: You need to add a unqiue snippet for each type of code. So one for Slide out and one for Exit Pop up, you can not add them to the same snippet.

For word press sites you will add your embed codes using the Header Footer Code Manager Plugin. 

First, add the Header Footer Code Plugin to your site.  Once you have added the plugin to your Word-Press site or blog, you are ready to start adding your embed codes.

Select the HFCM from the menu in your Wordpress Dashboard. This will open the panel where you can add your Embed code, HFCM calls these Snippets.

To add A Snippet


Open your StickyEmail/StickyFolios membership - LOGIN HERE

  • Select My Sequences
  • Click on the purple button next to the sequence you want to add a sign-up form for, select Sign up Options
  • Once on the  Sign up Form page, select the copy code button for either the Slide-Out or Exit Pop Up Forms.
  • Go to the dashboard of your wordpress site.


Once you have copied the form code from the builder, click on HFCM on the menu in your dashboard. Once the screen opens.

  • Click Add New Snippet.
  • Set your snippet settings (description of each area below) - SET THE SNIPPET TO BE IN THE FOOTER the default is header.
  • Click Save

1. Snippet Name:

Name the snippet, so you will know which sign up form go with which a specific snippet. Tip: Use the type of form, such as, Slide-Out or Exit Pop Up, and the name of the sequence, so you will know which snippets are for each email sequence.

2. Site Display:

Allows you to select where you want the code to display on the site. You can select Site Wide, Specific Pages, Specific Posts, Specific Categories, Specific Custom Post Types, Specific Tags, Latest Posts, Short Code.  We recommend selecting specific pages or posts.  Note: when using specific tags or categories could result in multiple codes on your page, if a post or page has multiple tags.

3. Location:

Where the code is added to your site.  Select FOOTER.  

4. Device Display:

Which device browser your code will display on. We recommend selecting both mobile and desktop. Knowing that Exit Pop-Ups won't display on mobile browsers. However, they do display on traditional computer browsers.

Tip: to avoid having the slide out show repeatedly you could select to show slide out on mobile and Exit Pop up on desktop.

5. Status:

Turns the snippet on or off.  Active the snippet is running inactive it's no longer set to show on your site.  

6. Snippet/Code:

This is where you paste the form embed code copied from the StickyFolios/StickyEmail builder

When done it will look like this: